‘Silent Spring’

Silent Spring, 1962, Rachel Carson, published by Houghton Mifflin, Boston, USA.

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Mariner Books; Anv edition (October 22, 2002)  reprinted
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0618249060
  • ISBN-13: 978-0618249060
  • Available from http://www.amazon.com/Silent-Spring-Rachel-Carson/dp/0618249060#noop [accessed 20100407]  [~ USD15].
  • Abstract:  (by amazon.com) ‘In 1960, a woman noticed the birds had stopped singing and their population had severely decreased in her neighborhood. She summoned a friend, biologist/writer Rachel Carson, to investigate this wildlife mystery. Subsequently, in 1962, Rachel’s discoveries and efforts were brought to the forefront in her book, Silent Spring, which revealed the atrocities of pesticide poisoning. The over-spraying of DDT, dieldrin and other pest killers was poisoning the entire world of living things, humanity included. Rachel’s work not only left chemical companies casting about trying to discredit her findings, but, most importantly, prompted an enormous environmental movement which continues today.’   ‘Presented with thorough documentation, the book opened more than a few eyes about the dangers of the modern world and stands today as a landmark work.’  Source: The WomanSource Catalog & Review: Tools for Connecting the Community for Women.

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